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Identity: a Spiritual Struggle

Nadege Dormeus

Updated June, 2023

What is Identity

Identity is difficult to define, let alone ourselves as a persona. It seems that character is what we and others say we are. Every individual has their own identities that make them stand out from other individuals. But when the question asked, "What are your identities," A person's gear begins to turn, and it often can be challenging to narrow down multiple identities that one may have. After a lot of self-reflection, my secret character was formulated by being a mother and my Christian background beliefs, and now my spirituality.

Being a mother transformed me in many ways and developed one of the identities that I claim. When a person becomes a mother, that person expects specific changes—a new body, less sleep, less free time. But motherhood also changes you from the inside. Being a mother is glorious. Raising children bring new meaning to every moment in life and profundity to your experience as a human being.

Moreover, being a mother changes my perspectives socially and spiritually. Before I had children, I was self-centered. I put serious thought into decision-making, for instance, "Which earring would match my new outfit?” When I become a mother, everything changed. Suddenly I realize there is more to life than earrings, nail polishes, dresses, and Chelsea Boots. Being a mother made me look beyond materialistic things, helping people has become a priority for me. Overall making me selfless, and it also gives me purpose. It enables me to understand my mistakes better and motivates me to discover ways to prevent the youth, especially young women, from being the best versions of themselves.

Every day is now devoted to understanding my very existence as humankind. For example, my thoughts come from my dreams, emotions, and fears and my connection with my surroundings. I realize that whether I claim spiritual guidance, I am guided by a spiritual being, and if I am aware of that guide the more, I will benefit from it. My children help me to understand the concept of invisible people. Perhaps, I don't follow my children, but because they know I play a crucial role in their lives, they act concerning me. If they occasionally forget to evaluate the reward or the consequence of their actions, I have the final say on whether they like it. A plea for forgiveness often overrides the punishments for offenses.

When I thought I have nothing to do with politics, being a mother forces me to be a politician, a lawmaker, a judge, and a jury. I turn out to be a great one for the sake of my children and society. I am not only a citizen of my country; however, a world citizen who believes I do have to embrace myself just the way I am; I believe in change, and I believe in inconvenience. “To Serve and to Protect,” is my duty now.

Well, it seems like I fail to define the term identity and started to talk about myself. I was simply putting into context what I will discuss in the coming paragraphs. Identity refers to the sense of who an individual is and as a member of a social clan or a nation. Lately, people have fallen into an identity crisis where they are confused about who they are as individuals, society, and nation. Subsequently, this makes them unstable physically, mentally, and socially. Mankind is meant to grow and evolve; as we are experiencing significant events identities are prone to evolution whether they are personal or collective events. Many tie their identities to social status, work, careers, families, and relationships. In contrast, to the others who tied their identities to passion, dreams, and recreation. None of that makes our identities because identity is a subjective complex concept. Identity composes of memories, experiences, relationships, and values.

Identity Spiritually Dilemma

If a person's sense of identity is rooted in those mentioned above; it means that the person defines through the lens of a material world. However, humans are more spiritual than physical. FIY in the New Testament states if a person thinks about sin that person already commits that sin. Because a person's mind is a stronger garment than the physical body. When a person lost that sense of inward self they seek to rely on an outward sense of self by changing and adopting apparent signs. Your sense of self is not a feeling but a knowing. “ I Know who I am.” This means I know my history, I have experienced, I have relationships with myself also with others, and I have principles.

Psychology and Identity

The development stage according to Erickson’s Theory:

  1. Autonomy's shame and doubt

  2. Initiative vs guilt

  3. Industry vs inferiority

  4. Intimacy vs isolation

  5. Generativity vs stagnation

  6. Ego integrity vs stagnation

Having a Sense of Self is Critical

Humanity identity serves as a multifaceted purpose that helps us to bloom and live well. When a person knows who they are it enables them to make life easier to connect with others. Our identities help us to give structures to our lives and set boundaries. Psychologist Erickson developed a sixth stage of growth. Those stages are vital when structuring some parts of our lives and the choices e will make manageable. For example, a person who has autonomy will be able to conduct and make decisions themselves at all times someone who does not have autonomy. Human beings get into relationships because they want to amplify their interest and value. If it was not for that reason humankind would not seek relationships with others; for example, we describe an extrovert as a person who kept to themselves. I reality introverts as high intelligence people who rather stay quiet instead of being involved in meaningless conversations. Introverts are more focused on their thoughts and ideas like already mention the mental is a higher garment than the physical body.

If a person is lost in the spirit it will result in a lack of development. These will be their mental handicap:

  • Low Self- esteem

  • Questioning their value

  • No sense of purpose

  • Emotionally unstable

  • Insecurity

  • Depression

How to Discover Your Identity

It is up to humankind to find their identity, It is not n easy thing to do especially when society has expectations of how they conditioned you to turn out to be, it is imperative. Discover your identity mean to be in touch with your genuine self. The self that purpose, values, interests, and passions.

Discover your identity is a life journey!

Getting to know your Strength

Identify your fundamental values

  • Identify your beliefs system

  • Meditate

  • Practice consciousness

  • Accept and embrace who you are

  • Make entry of your past reflection and current

  • Pay attention to your action and reaction ( Take a personality test)

  • Get help if needed

Identify is an alignment between the mental and physical in a holistic way that promotes human healthy development and bloom.


Schultz & Schultz. (2017). Theories of Personality ELEVENTH EDITION. United States: CENGAGE Learning.

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