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What is Spirituality? A connection between the soul and the body.

Nadege Dormeus

Spirituality is a person’s innate curiosity to understand things beyond mere imagination, the rare attraction to mysteries. Spirituality involves convincing a greater self and world through sensory and personal experiences.

Spirituality is an individual identity; it defines the person’s life as meaningful beyond everyday biological and physiological needs for development. Spirituality is knowing that a person as a human being has been purposely sent from the universe to Earth to fulfill a mission. Spirituality makes an individual concerned about his soul and seeks a deeper understanding of its origins. Why must a person live and die, and what happens after death?

Some might say that there are many types of spiritualities, for example, that can be related to religion. I do not share that the concept of Spirituality is related to religion. Religion has some terms corresponding to spiritual terms and implementations, such as Divinity and principles. The contrast is that a person confesses faith through religion but does not practice a religion; Spirituality is empirical rather than logical. Howbeit, there are various aspects of Spirituality; Spirituality is utter.

Spirituality is a personal endeavor that requires consciousness, self-assertiveness, patience, courage, and discipline. The first step to Spirituality is to reset yourself to a default mode, which means getting out of the pre-conditioned world system in case of wondering what all this means and how to do that. As newborns, we step into a world wherein we are influenced to accept what they tell us as wrong to be wronged and as bad to be bad. We inhabit a world that makes up of nations; each nation has its ethics, traditions, and cultures. A person’s identity is rooted in his country through ethics and cultural Spirituality. The world system thought that an individual birth nation's ethics and cultures are wrong and present you with their plan.

Paths to becoming spiritual

  • Seek knowledge and understanding.

  • Connection through Devotion.

  • Communication through Meditation.

  • Give back through Service.

  • Vibration/Energy through Connections.

Why does a person need to become spiritual?

Humanity must have water, food, air, and shelter to survive; those are called basic needs. However, for the body to develop and maintain healthy function, it needs good Nutrition. Spirituality is the Nutrition for the soul.

In the same way, you must learn about your body and know from which Nutrition it will get the essential nutrients to develop. We must learn how to feed our souls properly. Humans need shelter to survive; the soul needs suitable environments to flourish.

Seek knowledge and understanding.

Knowledge and understanding are at the core of Spirituality. Knowledge is power, and understanding is the ability to practice. Only when acquiring enough knowledge can a person liberate his soul and practice wisdom. Where and how to seek knowledge? For starters, it is always to be aware of your presence and your surroundings. Feelings and emotions play a crucial role in practicing mindfulness. We need to pay attention to our feelings and emotions and how we manage them. Self-communication and thought awareness are also excellent skills to exercise. Then attempt to make sense of them. In Spirituality, knowledge is fundamental: recognizing the universe and knowing the self. Self-reflection is a beginning and continuous exercise. Because as your mind expands, you will gain an evolved perspective. Also, our values and morals will be altered.

Connection through Devotion

A simple way to explain connection through devotion is to set aside our ego. And surrender to the universe's love, inspiration, and motivation. By creating time to contemplate nature and make altars at any place, we meet God. Because God conceals Himself behind nature, which encompasses the idea God is everywhere. Only He is more present in some areas than in another place. Making an altar where you have found a connection with God is significant. The purpose of an altar is to draw power/ strength whenever one feels pessimistic.


Meditation is the most vital aspect of Spirituality. Meditation is the process of finding a genuine connection with our true selves. There are several meditation types. Calmness is the typical application of meditation. I strongly encourage individuals to meditate after having interaction with nature. Professional meditators can be an excellent help to those who desire to know and learn more about meditation.

Give back through Service.

The universe is generous to humans; We are the products of nature we must learn to give back. We serve when we help another person without expecting anything back from that person. There are many ways people can serve one another. Whether from doing the simplest thing, such as giving an honest compliment to another, to serving the community. What makes giving through Service important is the attitude and the intention.

Vibration/Energy through connection.

Energy, devotion, meditation, and Service are interconnected. We feel accessible by sublimation and purification. All of those mentioned practices will bring enlightenment and cleansing. To sublimate, describe the transformation in form, but not in essence. Unlike weights require different forces to lift or push them. As we transform, we need an environment that feeds our psychics and supports our forms and capacities.

What is the importance of Spirituality?

First, For an individual to understand the significance of Spirituality, they must be able to define Spirituality for themselves. For example, Spirituality is everything to me, from my purpose on Earth to my everyday actions. However, I generally define Spirituality as looking for external goals endlessly and making invisible connections; to grow, find answers, find happiness, peace, and overcome hardship. Transcendence is a form of reference beyond the physical level of touching, hearing, and sensing.

Some of us are unaware of the material reality, where many aspects of truth exist in our consciousness. To explore those various aspects of realities, a person must have a spiritual understanding of themselves and the sacred world. Any spiritual practice should serve as a path to fulfillment according to what we believe our purpose to be.

Ethics, Rituals, and Practices

We must discuss the importance of Spirituality by mentioning the term ethic, rituals, and practices. Ethics are following established specific principles of behavior and conducts. For example, in the Scripture, the people of God shall not murder or bear false witness; they respect their mother and fathers; they shall engage in sexual misconduct; also, They shall put their God first. Some traditions are more ritualistic than others. However, we prefer to use the Israelites in our examples because they fail to be aware of their realities under the Christianity allusion that they are Abraham's descendants through Christ when they need help understanding what it means. Perhaps circumcision was God's covenant with Abraham (see Genesis Chapter 17). A ritual is any set of actions that are done the same way for a particular purpose. A ritual is not a theatrical scene or spectacular but to develop certain feelings or consciousness. The purpose of the circumcision ritual/covenant was an evident physical sign of the forever covenant between God and the Jews. And last but not least, the practice is the heart to involve by all means that reveal your sense of wisdom and love.


Geisler, L. N. (1989). CHRISTIAN ETHICS SECOND EDITION. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic.

New International Version Holy Bible. Genesis. (2011). Worldwide: Biblica Inc. Retrieved from

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